Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New puppy!?

Well Cade has decided to say tons of super funny things while Ben is gone, so I must write them down. Here are two of my favorites...

1. Driving home the other day Cade says, "I think we should get a boy dog." I reply with, "Well me too, but you're going to have to convince daddy of that." My witty little man says, "no let's just surprise daddy while he's gone." Better watch out Ben!

2. Cade's first words to me after he uses the potty..."Mom did you pray for me when I was a baby?"
Mom: "Of course I did. I wanted you to be my son so bad."
Cade: "I have a baby in my tummy for us and I'm going to give one to Miss Sharon to put in her tummy for us too."
That was a very thoughtful potty break!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

You shouldn't say that...

Well my bold little man did it again. We were at the library on Monday and Cade was looking at books while I looked for some for my class. A younger mom was sitting near Cade and for some reason she said "stupid." As I was getting help from the librarian I hear my sweet little Cade reprimand this mom and say..."You shouldn't say that word!" She kinda laughed. Apparently she didn't learn her lesson because just a few minutes later she said "what the heck?" As I hurdled the librarian desk to grab Cade before this potty mouth mom did he chimed in again with "you shouldn't say that word." She didn't laugh.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Here we go...

Well every time I tell my mom something Cade said she tells me..."you have to write this stuff down." She must know how my memory is already fading. :) So this is a blog to help me remember all the precious things my little man says and to share with our family and friends how precious he is!

October 15, 2010: Cade got his haircut with his favorite stylist, Lindsay. During the haircut he randomly blurted out..."When I'm bigger I'm going to be a daddy."

That night I was taking pictures at the MCC vs. Ozark volleyball game. He was right by my side the entire match. If I stepped right, he stepped right. If I knelt down, he knelt down. At one point we were sitting on the gym floor and a ball flew into the crowd kinda near us. I grabbed Cade closer to me so we were out of the way of the players. He said, "It's okay mom, I'm here to protect you from those balls."